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In Noctem - Nicholas Hooper

HP6电影版中Albus Dumbledore赴岩洞之前一段删减段落的配乐。


Carry my soul into the night

May the stars light my way

I glory in the sight

As darkness takes the day

Ferte in noctem animam meam

Illustrent stellae viam meam

Aspectu illo glorior

Dum capit nox diem


Cantate vitae canticum

Sine dolore actae

Dicite eis quos amabam

Me numquam obliturum

Sing a song, a song of life

Lived without regret

Tell the ones, the ones I loved

I never will forget.

Never will forget.


歌词用到了imperative, subjunctive, deponent verb & future active participle; 当初背歌词时离学拉丁语还有五六年,所以啥也没懂,只能一个一个字蒙谁是谁;现在总算认出了词汇和语法,有点惊奇(。


Aspectu illo glorior

        I glory in the sight

Dum capit nox diem

        As darkness takes the day


Whitaker's Words说:

glorior= boast, brag; glory, pride oneself

aspectus= appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon


aspectu illo= that vision/ the sight (官译)

Aspectu illo glorior dum capit nox diem= I pride myself in that view when the night seizes the day. 

如果没有这一句,我会以为这是邓布利多的角色歌。携我灵魂步入暗夜/愿星辰亮我道路/唱生命之歌/生无所憾/不忘所爱之人——这些直接拿来当悼歌,看起来都很合适;只有 [骄傲于黑夜战胜白日] 特别奇怪(。

假如用这句套德拉科马尔福,可能还靠点谱,但还是很勉强(。这样的话,In Noctem就必须送给多个角色,与每一句对应的镜头可以作为暗示。

支持该猜想的证据:唱到“Cantate vitae canticum/ Sine dolore actae/ Dicite eis quos amabam/ Me numquam obliturum”时,镜头一直对着斯内普。如果不删这段,完全可以呼应第七部的斯莉线索。这一刀干得漂亮。

反对该猜想的证据:唱到“Aspectu illo glorior/ Dum capit nox diem”时,镜头切给了麦格233333.


a) 歌词作者/剪辑者没多想;或

b) 其实就是邓布利多角色歌,让我们强行忽略可疑语句。

